Friday, February 9, 2007

Blog 2

Im feeling better today, not 100%, but better than the Habs thats for sure....Canadiens practiced at 12:15pm in Verdun today......most of the time Andie covers practice because Im usually on air when the players are on the ice. But, seeing as the players arrived at the Bell Centre at 2pm and the Samsonov saga going on, I decided to drop by......Being in the room is great; you really get a feel for the atmosphere and by asking a few good questions, you can get the answers you are looking goes....

The dressing room is not what it used to be. IMO, Things started to "unravel" when Guy Carbonneau made Craig Rivet a healthy scratch. That, was a damaging strategy to date. Rivet, was indeed struggling on the ice, but he has alot of credibility in the dressing room. Why? Because he gives you everything he's got every night, night after night, season after season. That means alot to teammates.

Im disappointed with the head coach right now......Carbo did the right thing by saying he didn't use Samsonov properly early on. But, when the coach says that he should have talked to Samsonov back in November....i ask the question: why didn't he? I have been hearing for a while that the lines of communication are not great with the Head Coach. This is a perfect example.

IMO, Carbonneau completely botched the Samsonov issue. Yesterday, Carbo said he and Samsonov cleared the air and that they were starting from scratch. Today, Carbo was asked if he thought of playing Samsonov last nite in Ottawa. Carbo replied ''No, it never crossed his mind.'' If thats the case, then why did he send Samsonov out there for the pregame skate? The answer is simple, he was trying to teach him a lesson and show him who's boss. That's not the right approach. All it did, is deject Samsonov even more.....when a player is struggling a head coach has to put him in a position to get himself out of it. Samsonov, will play tomorrow and in my world he would line up alongside Koivu and Kovalev.....The line probably doesn't have the ingredients to succeed longterm, but it can give a short-term spark and thats what this anemic offense needs right now.....56 games in, these 3 players have only played 1 shift together and produced a goal in Pittsburgh. Hey Carbo....Put them together and for more than just a shift.

Maybe Carbo isn't ready to Coach in Montreal. Regardless, he's Gainey's guy and players will be moved before Carbo is let go. Im not going to blame just the coach for the Habs struggles. Its time for the leaders to step up and for the guys to pull in the same direction. There is not enough scoring and raw talent on this team for guys to take nites off.......Once again, remember what I have told you since October 1st; this team will battle for a playoff spot.....

My lines (for now):

In ending; awesome news with George Gillett buying Liverpool FC. I want to tip my hat to my colleague Noel Butler.....over the past month, he has been on the case like no other member of the media worldwide.....Noel, has also been instrumental in putting together ''The 2006 Sports Personality of the Year.'' Great job Mr Butler!


JJ FRENCH said...

Maybe it's just me but I sure do see less and less of them stupid car flags around town, as well CH shirts. Which has always been my biggest issue with this town- the fair weather fans and those people who hop on the bandwagon quicker than Anna Nicole Smith on a barbituate sundae. The Habs have been playing above their level since the beginning of the year so I think people should relax and be thankful that I haven't slept with their wives........yet.

(oYo) Hooray for boobies.

ace said...

It's too bad this team just unravelled before our eyes. Suddenly thigs seem not so sweet in habsland. we had spectacular we don't. we had a powerplay that was loosey-goosey and last nite against ottawa no shots on a five on three...guys STANDING around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! standing....Ask P.J. what his coaches would say if his feet EVER stopped moving?
you're right. Ryder is getting worse and worse,noticed that when i had him in my pool last year. Moves will be made,there are too many UFA's on this team. If i'm Gainey I'm a seller.
The worst thing that happened to this team was getting off to such a hot start.....raising expectations for a team with a rookie coach whom has no not mario tremblay, and many young players....the future looks bright but in Mtl it's what have you done for me lately

Marco said...

For the love of God Tony...Lines of communication!!! The coach doesn't communicate well!!! What do you want to say more to 20 deaf players!!!! Plus you say that the decision to take Rivet out of the line up was a bad one!!!WHY??? What does Carbo have to lose..the dressing room??? Markov: doesn't care whether he stays or leaves...Souray: already counting next years contract...Rivet: Carbo said it,,attitude sucks....Murray, Downey, Niinima???? Oh Yeah I forgot..the first 2 are super nice guys... Kovalev: he sends half the team of break aways and they can't score...his fault??? Koivu: what a captain...the blind leading the blind...All-star Samsonov: is there really a difference when he is there or not!!! What a choker!!! Take these people except for Kovalev way from the team...change the mentality of the club....leave Carbo 2 to 3 years then you can judge his the way do you think that if Carbo and Muller were still players that Your buddy Samsonov would have lasted a minute in the dressing room!!! since you are so close to the players give them this message: it is time to put up with the coach and shut up!!!
P.S. Samsonov reminds me of Russ Courtnall..without determination...and the scoring ability
Ciao Tony