Tuesday, May 8, 2007

L'affaire Shane Doan and Previewing RD3

This past week I listened to the other guys on french radio and watched the show at 11pm, just to get a feel for what people were saying regarding the Shane Doan Affair. I cant believe all the garbage I heard. Take you back 17 months, 4 french officials are working the Phoenix-Montreal game at the Bell Centre. Midway thru the game, Ladislav Nagy refers to the officials as F'in Frenchmen. At which point, the refs say no more of this stuff or you're in trouble. Late in the game, Coyotes goaltender Curtis Joseph argues over a penalty; Shane Doan comes over and says ''Cuje, four french refs in Montreal....what do you expect?'' After the game, the NHL referee report states Shane Doan used the slur F'in Frenchmen. The slur, was indeed said; but Shane Doan didnt say it. Next thing you now, a bunch of clowns in The House of Commons are upset that Shane Doan was named Captain for Canada at The World Hockey Championships. I worked that Phoenix-Montreal game and a couple of months ago, I talked to Mike Johnson about it. Johnson, was on the ice for Phoenix at the time. Johnson is a straight arrow. He swore to me that someone did indeed say it; but it wasnt him nor was it Shane Doan. The guys know nothing about Shane Doan. The guy is as good as it gets. Its sad to see they are guestioning his character and bringing him down just for the sake of trying to get a few votes down the line. It was nice to see some NHLers from Quebec like Daniel Briere and Denis Gauthier state there was no way Doan would say such a thing. In the meantime, Im hoping for 3 things to come out of this. (#1) the guy who said it, stand up and admit it. (#2) shane doan gets a public apology. (#3) they talk about bettering education and healthcare at The House of Commons.

As for the NHL Playoffs, I went 3 for 4. Only mistake was NJ. Ottawa was clearly better....cant believe Ray Emery outgoaltended Martin Brodeur, but he did. Brodeur, let in many bad goals. Next year, the Devils should think twice about using the 35 year old as much as they do. Simply put, he seemed like a tired goalie down the stretch. Going into the playoffs, my prediction was Buffalo over Anaheim for the Cup. I wont sway away from that. Buffalo beats Ottawa in 7. And, Anaheim will down Detroit in 7 as well.

Some final words on Mayweather - De La Hoya. I am a huge De La Hoya fan. But, I disagree with those who think he should have earned at least a draw. Mayweather, landed a lot more and his defense was inpenetrable. A lot of people dont like Mayweather because he's arrogant and he doesnt get into wars in the ring. The bottom line is he boxed intelligently. Was Oscar De La Hoya the aggressor? Yes. But, the rounds arent scored on whose more aggressive; they are scored on who landed punches. I had it 116-112 Mayweather. And, yes..there'll be a rematch!

Enjoy RD 3 of the NHL Playoffs. Ciao for now.

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